Shopware Frontends Demo Store Template applies a utility-first styling approach based on unocss. You can either follow this approach or use custom styling.
Utility CSS
Unocss supports multiple CSS frameworks, including
- Tailwind CSS
- Windy CSS
- Bootstrap
This means you can use utilities like mt-10
or bg-gray-100
in all of your components along with styles like col-md-3
. Note, that the Demo Store Template applies only Tailwind CSS syntax and does not mix any of the approaches.
Unocss will analyse your components and generate a CSS file that contains only the utility classes used in the implementation.
As an introduction, we recommend reading the Utility-First Fundamentals article from Tailwind CSS.
When building layouts in a utility-first manner, you should follow some fundamental rules.
There will be cases when you would like to create a class instead of using a long list of utility classes for multiple components. In that case, consider creating a reusable component instead:
class="object-cover w-12 h-12 rounded-full border-3 border-white mr--6"
class="object-cover w-12 h-12 rounded-full border-3 border-white mr--6"
class="object-cover w-12 h-12 rounded-full border-3 border-white mr--6"
will become
<!-- ImageCircle.vue -->
<script setup>
class="object-cover w-12 h-12 rounded-full border-3 border-white mr--6"
<!--- ImageContainer.vue -->
<script setup>
<ImageCircle v-for="image in images" :imageSrc="image">
Responsive Design
Start your layout from the smallest viewport and work your way up. There are built in prefixes for the viewport sizes:
<div class="grid md:grid-cols-2">
<!-- some html -->
State Variants
Similar to viewport breakpoints, you can also use state variants with prefixes:
<div class="group flex justify-center">
class="hover:shadow-xl border-2 border-indigo rounded-md p-3 shadow-md"
Use a custom CSS Framework
If you want to use a different CSS framework or fully custom styling, it's recommended to use the Blank Template as a starting point. It has no pre-installed CSS framework and you can install you own.
Remove unocss from the Demo Store Template
However, it's also possible to remove unocss from the Demo Store Template. This might be applicable when you want to make use of the component structure and logic that's already provided by the template.
Remove the unocss
dependency from the package.json
/* package.json */
- "@unocss/nuxt": "^0.45.13",
Remove the unocss imports, build modules and configuration from the nuxt.config.js
/* nuxt.config.js */
import { defineNuxtConfig } from "nuxt";
-import transformerDirective from "@unocss/transformer-directives";
-import presetIcons from "@unocss/preset-icons";
export default defineNuxtConfig({
buildModules: [
- "@unocss/nuxt",
vueuse: {
ssrHandlers: true,
- unocss: {
- uno: true, // enabled `@unocss/preset-uno`
- icons: true, // enabled `@unocss/preset-icons`
- attributify: true, // enabled `@unocss/preset-attributify`,
- ...
- },
Eventually, run pnpm install
to remove the unocss dependency from your installation.